We would love for you to join us for a mid-week meal! The supper line is open each Wednesday night, 5:15–6:15pm. You may reserve your spot at this link on the website or by calling the church office. Please note that every person eating Wednesday night supper must check-in with our volunteer collection team before getting their meal. Even if you have pre-paid online, please check-in with our volunteer. We accept cash, checks, or credit cards.
Ages 0–3: Free
Ages 4-12: $4
Adults (over 12): $8
Family cap (over 3 people): $24
The menus for upcoming Wednesday night suppers are as follows (all meals come with salad and bread):
January 8: Chicken fried rice with veggies; non-meat option: mock chicken fried rice; kids: egg roll.
January 15: Beef stroganoff and green beans; non-meat option: mock beef stroganoff; kids: buttered noodles.
January 22: Breakfast for dinner.
January 29: Sweet and sour meatballs with macaroni and cheese and baby carrots; non-meat option: mock meatballs.