
Artful Giving (support of Day Mission Fund)

Artful Giving is a ministry of First Baptist Church through which a donor may place a pulpit banner in memory or honor of someone, a ministry, or a group in lieu of purchasing cut flowers for the altar. The donor then makes a donation to the Day Mission Fund of FBC in the amount that would have been spent on flowers, or more if he/she wishes. The Day Mission Fund is used to support mission trips and other mission endeavors of First Baptist Church. Please contact Jennie Herrick at or call her at 919-832-4485, ext. 200, about use of a banner on a particular Sunday.

See below for the banners that are available. Page down to see all the banners.  At the top of the document click the +/- to adjust the size of the picture. Please refer to the number above each picture to identify the banner.

You may make your donation by a check made out to FBC with Artful Giving and date of the dedication in the memo.  Please mail the check to Financial Administrator, 99. N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27603

OR you may use any of the following electronic options:

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