
2023 Stewardship Campaign

A YOUNG BOY, IN THE MIDDLE OF A LARGE, HUNGRY CROWD, is asked to share his meager lunch. The question no doubt entered his mind — how can this little amount I have to offer really help? But his small basket of bread and fish fed thousands of people that day through Jesus’ miracle. We rightly focus on the amazing miracle in this story, but can you imagine the wonder, joy, and fulfillment the boy must have felt watching Jesus magnify his gift?

Throughout the Bible we see this repeated countless times —- one small gift making a dramatic difference for others. And in each story the “giver” ends up receiving so much more than they give.

TODAY, WE HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITY to experience the wonder, joy, and fulfillment that come through giving. Your pledge of support to FBC Raleigh powers the programs, missions, and ministries that make a significant difference in our lives and the lives of our neighbors near and far.

The FY23 budget reflects a 5.7% increase over the prior year, allowing the church to meet the challenges of these times without sacrificing our commitment to our congregation, community, and staff.

During this time of stewardship, we ask you to prayerfully consider your gift to FBC Raleigh knowing in full faith that God will use your offering to transform lives.

A stewardship packet has been mailed out which includes a budget and a pledge card.  If you have not received a packet and wish one to be mailed to you, please contact Wayne Hager.  For your review, the proposed budget is available in the members-only section of our website.  You may also request a copy by calling the church office at 919-832-4485.

You may pledge online here.

2023 Proposed BudgetClick here for online pledge card 
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