
Fellowship Fund

Mike Morris Fellowship Fund
The Fellowship Fund is our church's benevolence ministry assisting our neighbors who are experiencing a financial crisis.  Through a collaborative effort with Edenton Street United Methodist Church and First Presbyterian Church, we partner together to help individuals and families in our community with rent and household utilities (water, gas, electric).  
To apply for financial assistance:
Please fill out the Google form HERE.  This form is the first step to getting assistance. The application is only live on Mondays at 11am.  After you submit the application, we will contact you by phone or email within 48 - 72 hours. Emails may come from any of the following addresses:,, Please complete one application for all of your needs. We do not take phone calls for financial assistance, so filling out this form is the only way to receive help.  We are a small number of people handling a large number of requests; thank you in advance for your patience. Be sure to watch for our call and check your email and voicemail.
Your donations to the Fellowship Fund make this ministry possible!  Every dollar is used to help individuals and families in need right here in our community.  Checks can be made out to First Baptist Church, designating "Fellowship Fund" in the memo line. Or, you may give online by clicking one of the following buttons:                                                                                                                       
Donate to the Mike Morris Fellowship Fund through our Vanco Online givimg optionDonate to the Mike Morris Fellowship Fund through Paypal
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