
Online Giving/Payment

FBC Raleigh utilizes two options to make an online contribution or payment, Paypal, and Vanco.
Below are details for each option.

VANCO Online

You can use VANCO Online to make an one-time online donation or pay for an activity without needing to have a VANCO account (you register if you wish to do so) or processing through Paypal. You can also use the VANCO Faith Mobile app to make a gift through your phone.

Give /Pay via VANCO OnlineInstructions for setting up  VANCO Mobile Faith App


We utilize Paypal for one-time donations or payments for specific activities. A Paypal account is not required to use this service. Please click on the link below that is specific to the type of donation or payment you are making. Use the button below to give a general contribution. For specific giving areas, click more Paypal giving options below.

Jesus and John Wayne book $17 eachGetty Lectures Friday MealWhite Flag ministry (FBCR)
Passport Kids July 7 - 10, 2025General Contribution via Paypal
Wednesday Night Meal Payment via PaypalLunch Bunch

 More Paypal giving options

Please click on the link below that is specific to the type of donation or payment you are making through PayPal. When you complete your transaction you will be directed back to this page to make another donation or payment.

Please use the box asking for “special instructions to the FBC” to provide more information about a donation, activity ,or fee that will ensure the correct processing of your payment. Thanks.


Please specify the person for whom the gift is honoring or remembering.  Please include the fund to which the gift would be credited. You will have an opportunity to “write a note” to FBC before you submit your final donation. 

Memorial Gifts

Please add special instructions


Passport Kids - Please note child’s name

Other Children’s Activity - Please note child’s name and activity


These are the current activities for which we are accepting payments. When you click the option to pay by PAYPAL by clicking the “Youth Activity Cost” button below, you will have an opportunity to “write a note” with the name of the youth and what activities (deposit or cost) for which you are paying with PAYPAL. You may abbreviate the activities similar to the following:

YOUTH ACTIVITY PAYMENT - Please note activity and youth.

Festival by the Sea $50 dep $85 2nd payment




Everette Miller / Friendship Class Fund

FBC Cook Books

Small Group Book/Material Cost – Please note Small Group.

If the contribution/payment you wish to  make does not have a specific button above, please use the button below.  You will have an opportunity to “write a note” to FBC before you submit your final donation.

OTHER – Please add special instructions.


Giving through VANCO online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet. In order to use VANCO, you must create a profile. This is for your security and to ensure accurate accounting of your donation or payment.

Give via Vanco Account

Vanco Account Details

The VANCO Account will allow you to be in complete control of your giving. Our current automatic drafting process is cumbersome to set up and also to amend. The Financial Office has to be involved in all aspects of our current process, from setting up the draft to uploading the drafts, individually, for each draft we do.

If you currently take advantage of our Automatic Draft option, please contact our Financial Administrator or 919-832-4485, ext 210 to move your recurring contribution from Automatic Draft to this new online giving option. We encourage everyone currently on the Automatic Draft option to enroll in this online giving option.

In addition to your regular giving to support the church budget, you will also be able to schedule donations to our three yearly missions offerings (Heck-Jones, NC Missions, and CBF Global Missions). You may do so as a one-time donation or even spread the contribution out through the year by selecting a recurring option. Likewise, you may give to the Mike Morris Fellowship Offering through this giving option. In the future, we will add the option of giving “in honor of/in memory of” gifts to specific church accounts or just give an undesignated gift “in honor of/in memory of.”
To take advantage of this option simply follow these easy steps:

Click on the GIVE VIA VANCO ACCOUNT BUTTON at the top of this page.

  1. Click on the Create Profile button on the secure giving page.
  2. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile
  3. Sign into your account and make your one time donation or schedule your recurring contributions.
  4. In the future simply visit this Online Giving page to make a secure donation.

Here are some common questions you may have and our answers:

  1. How do I start giving on line? Before you will be able to give, you must create a profile through the Create Profile button.
  2. How secure is giving on line? We have contracted with VANCO, a premier financial processing company that is used by 1000s of churches and businesses nationwide, to provide our service. When you connect to VANCO through your sign-on you will be on a site as secure as doing business with your bank.
  3. May I make recurring payments? You have the option of setting up a recurring payment either once a month or weekly. And of course, you can give just the one time.
  4. May I pick the starting date of my recurring donation? You may set a date to start the recurring payment for whatever date you wish.
  5. How do I cancel my recurring payment or change the amount or frequency? You simply enter a new recurring payment for the new amount ($0 to cancel) and make the start date the day you make the changes. You are completely in control of your giving.
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