
First Baptist Church Guidelines for Gatherings during COVID 19

COIVD-19 Guidelines for First Baptist Church Raleigh

General Guidelines

1. We will abide by government recommendations but make our own decisions within the guidelines of each reopening phase based on our facilities and needs.
2. We will abide by all CDC protocols, taking into account NC DHHS guidelines.
3. We will encourage people to make their own decisions wisely with regard to any activity we resume, understanding that the most vulnerable will take longer to return, and base decisions on, among other factors, the availability of a vaccine for the persons age and dependable treatments.
4. The risk management team will guide this process and any decisions involved will be made by this team in conjunction with the ministerial staff and church council.

Church Office Guidelines

1. The church office is open Monday – Friday 8:30 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
3. Everyone must enter and exit the building through the back (i.e. McDowell Street) parking-lot door.
4. All CDC protocols (posted at the door) will be followed by those who enter the doors and hallway to ensure protection for those in the Infant Toddler Center and Weekday Preschool.

Guidelines for Events

First Baptist Church, Raleigh
Risk Management Guidelines

Our staff and the Risk Management Team met on Tuesday, May 25, to discuss the status of our ongoing plans for the continued reopening of the church. Due to the increased availability of a vaccine and new CDC guidelines concerning fully vaccinated people, we are recommending the modification of certain existing safety protocols. One important factor that we considered is that our children and many of our youth are not yet eligible to receive the vaccine. Our church has always provided a safe and nurturing environment for all members, most especially our children and youth. Our Risk Management Team believes that this must remain one of our highest priorities.

We would remind everyone that the wearing of masks continues to be one of the most effective measures to mitigate the transmission of Covid-19. Therefore, all people who have not been fully vaccinated should continue to wear a mask at all church events. In addition, we encourage all who are eligible to be vaccinated.

As we discussed our plans, we kept the following considerations in mind:

• Although research has shown that fully vaccinated persons have a greatly reduced risk of contracting or transmitting the virus, a substantial percentage of our adult population has not yet been vaccinated.
• Our children and youth, under the age of 12, are not yet eligible to receive the vaccine, and are therefore among the most vulnerable.
• Our church welcomes all, both vaccinated and unvaccinated.
• To protect all of our members, especially our children and youth, the safest course of action is for all, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, to wear masks in all public areas.


1. Protocol Changes (effective immediately)
     a. Sign-in is required for all programs, services, or events.
     b. Masks are required for all:
     c. When entering church/in public places (halls/elevator/restrooms).
     d. In mixed venues (adults + children and/or youth).
        1.  Fully vaccinated adults can remove masks when in a room with adults; those not vaccinated are encouraged to still wear masks.
        2.  Children & Youth will continue wearing masks at all events, both indoors and outdoors.

These protocols apply to all areas of the building.

2. Recommendations effective Sunday, June 6
     a. Those in chancel and pulpit areas will not be required to wear masks as long as all providing leadership in those areas are fully vaccinated. If any leaders in these areas are not fully vaccinated, then masks will be required for all. Upon leaving these areas, leaders must wear masks.
     b. Vaccinated members of the sanctuary choir will be allowed to sing from the choir loft without masks and to rehearse without masks in the choir room.
     c. Sunday School - All adult Sunday School classes will be permitted to meet in-person again, though each class may decide when it is ready to do so. Each class will also decide on the mask protocol inside of its meeting room. If a class decides its room is too small, every attempt will be made to find a larger room.
     d. Seating will be allowed on ever other pew (signs designated). Family units can sit together. A six-foot space is required between nonfamily units on the same pew.
     e. Hymnals and Bibles will be available in the pews, but we will not yet pass offering plates or communion elements.
     f.  We continue to wrestle with these decisions and are constantly monitoring changes as we are eager to continue moving forward. The Risk Management Team will continue to meet as needed to reassess our response to the information and data coming from our congregation, medical professionals, and community.

1. Persons who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are presumed positive by a medical professional due to symptoms, should stay home until they have:
     a. No fever for at least 24 hours since recovery (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) AND
     b. Other symptoms have improved (e.g., coughing, shortness of breath) AND
     c. At least 10 days have passed since first symptoms
2. Persons who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 but do not have symptoms, should stay home until 10 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID-19 diagnostic test, assuming they have not subsequently developed symptoms since their positive test.
3. Persons who have not been vaccinated should stay home if they have had close contact (within 6 feet, for 15 minutes or more) with a person with COVID-19 within the past 14 days

Guidelines for use by Community Groups (non-church)
1. Community groups must complete the online request for use of space during the pandemic and receive approval. Additional guidelines to be followed by outside groups, along with the guidelines on the request form are listed below. Some basic guidelines are repeated for emphasis.
2. The only point of entry of outside groups will be the ramp door off of the church parking lot.
3. Participants must be screened for the following symptoms by questioning or showing this list and receiving ALL
negative responses:
     a. Congestion or runny nose
     b. New loss of taste or smell
     c. Headache • Diarrhea
     d. Sore throat
     e. Fever or chills
     f. Nausea or vomiting  
     g. Muscle pain
     h. Cough
      i. Fatigue
      j. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
4. Hands must be sanitized on entry into building.
5. No more than one person may be in a bathroom at a time, unless part of the same household. The Group is responsible for monitoring this use of the bathrooms. Signs on the doors will indicate the use policy and users must flip signs in order to indicate the bathroom is occupied or empty.
6. All areas used must be disinfected with anti-COVID spray after use. This includes any area used, the outside ramp, entry way, hallway, and bathrooms. In most cases the FBC facility staff will do this, but if not possible, the outside group will be responsible for disinfecting the area. The group will know this at the time use is approved and will be instructed in the necessary procedures and will be supplied with the necessary disinfectant and application equipment.
7. Failure to abide by any of these guidelines will necessitate the withdrawal of permission to utilize the building.

Recommended by the FBC Risk Management Team: John Baldwin, Sam Ewell, Ron Maness (chair), Alice Marshbanks, and Hollis
August 31, 2020
Amended September 2, 2020
Amended November 16, 2020 with new event guidelines added on 5-25-2021

Printable 5-25-2021 event statement and guidelines
Printable full guidelines with 5-25-2021 event statement incorporated in text
On-line request form for FBC meeting/activity
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