



February 5 – We will conclude our series with Dr. Judy Siker on the role of women in early Christianity and the development of the early church (previously scheduled for January 22).

February 12 – As February is recognized as Black History month, we will be viewing and discussing a TEDTalk led by Julieanna L. Richardson on the preservation of black history through oral tradition. For those who may want to access the talk prior to, it can be found here.

Julieanna Richardson is the founder of the HistoryMakers, which is the largest national archive of African American video-oral history that exists today.  Richardson shares some of the unknown and incredible legacies of Black America, highlighting the importance of documenting and preserving the past for future generations.

February 19 – We will conclude our programming on Black History month by looking at a speech given by Martin Luther King Jr., who in December of 1964 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his dynamic leadership of the Civil Rights movement and steadfast commitment to achieving racial justice through nonviolent action and advocacy. For those who may want to access the talk prior to, it can be found here.



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