

This past week, the youth embarked on their annual mission week. One group went to Charlotte, NC, and another to New York City, NY. Throughout the week, students worked with various organizations that seek to make a difference within their communities through creatively battling systemic issues of poverty, housing inequity, food insecurity, and much more. However, most folks who have been on a mission experience with FBC Raleigh before have said similar things—the work you do is great, but often it is not the main takeaway. It is the shift in perspective it gives you.

These students have seen how resilient communities band together to help one another. They have seen the struggles of others first hand that they may never experience. They have been invited to the table by strangers who quickly became friends. They have forged closer friendships with one another. Now while I could go on about what they might have gained, one thing is for sure: we have all gained fresh insight into what it truly means to be a neighbor and to love our neighbor.

When we travel, we are given the opportunity to notice things from a completely new perspective. When we travel with the intention of learning how to be better disciples of Jesus, we are given the chance to learn how to counter the world’s devastating challenges. Empowered by our faith, we will be more inspired by our callings, and see what is right in front of us with new eyes and new ideas. The investment in these travels gives me hope. If not now, the day will soon come when the voices and choices of our young ones will dramatically change the fabric of our world. I have hope that their experiences have shown them the way of creative compassion that breaks down barriers and ushers in God’s generative grace into our world.

I’d love to give a special thank you to Karen Poteat, Charles Gale, and John Hobson for joining our youth on this journey. Without their time and energy, these trips would not have happened! Also, thank you to the church for continually investing into the ministries of FBC. I take great pride that we can offer these experiences in ways that are as financially accessible as possible and I am eternally grateful for the remarkable support our students receive. I’m in awe of the opportunities I get to see these students that help them flourish into people who will, and do, challenge the status quo, and remind us all of the power that one’s devotion to God and to neighbor has in our world.

If you’d like to learn more about the organizations we partnered with over the week; you can follow these links: CROSS Missions, Metro Baptist Church – Michael Hood

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