
2024 VBS Information and Registration

Please click the button for our fillable registration form for VBS – evenings of July 28-August 1st!       It’s intergenerational, so there’s something for all ages!!    I hope some (or ALL!)  of your family can come!!! 

Dr. Chapman will be leading Bible study for youth and adults and we have a fabulous group of grade school Bible study leaders and preschool leaders to guide us as we take a look at Biblical examples of what it takes to build Christian community.

And oh… the fun electives our grade-schoolers (including rising first graders), youth, and adults get to choose from! You’ll have the opportunity to stretch your body, mind, and soul with yoga, creative movement, or team games! Like to create? Then knitting or learning punch needle, creating with recycled materials, making a wire tree sculpture, or building a birdhouse might be right up your alley. If painting is your thing, then you’ll love designing and painting sets of dishes, mugs, and bowls for Habitat families and painting large-canvas designs on baffles for Habitat homes. If you have a song in your heart, come share it in our music elective!

Be sure to  check out BOTH SIDES of the form attached and fill out all that is applicable to your family.

It’s a fillable form, so after you fill out the registration (remember look at both sides), then save the registration form to your computer, then email the completed form back to me!  Simple as that!    I’ll email you back to verify that I received it!

Registration ends July 7th, but electives are on a first come, first served basis -- so grade schoolers,  youth, and adults will be more likely to get first choices the earlier they sign up!

Let Lynn know if you have any questions at

Fillable 2024 VBS Registration Form VBS Meal $8 -13+  $4 - 4-12  Free through 4  $24 Max
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